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Dental aesthetics, restorative and endodontics.


At Clínica CS we are aware of the importance of a smile, which is why we try to use the most advanced techniques coordinating all fields and specialties of dentistry to achieve the best possible aesthetic results. Today cosmetic dental treatments are more and more in demand and our work helps patients to create self-esteem and gain confidence with the design of their smile.


Among the aesthetic dental and restoration treatments that we offer in

CS clinics you will find teeth whitening, dental veneers,

stain treatment, root canals, reconstructions, aesthetic recontouring

and much more.


At Clínica CS we have specialized dentists who use

the best techniques and the most advanced treatments in the sector to repair

the dental damage and ailments of our patients.


Tooth decay is a disease caused by the acids of the bacterial plaque that destroys the teeth, causing intense pain if it is a deep cavity. These acids demineralize the hardest tissue in the body, tooth enamel. If it is not detected and treated early, the caries will continue to advance and penetrate the tooth, affecting other parts and tissues such as the dental pulp.


A root canal is what is popularly known as "killing the nerve", and refers to the treatment of tooth canals. Through this treatment, the dentist removes, totally or partially, the pulp of the tooth to later proceed to its sealing. Endodontics is usually performed when the decay has reached the pulp causing its infection, but this is not the only cause. Other causes that can generate pulpitis and therefore need endodontic treatment are:


  • Dental fractures or trauma.

  • Dental wear caused, among others, by habits such as bruxism.


Advanced dental cleaning is the surest way to prevent the appearance of different oral pathologies such as cavities or periodontal diseases. Thanks to the pearlescent bicarbonate powder applied using the most modern device in the sector for the performance of professional oral cleanings, advanced dental cleaning becomes the most effective on the market.


Teeth whitening allows you to reduce the color of your teeth by some shades. This treatment is responsible for brightening and brightening your teeth. In addition, it eliminates most of the stains produced by extrinsic causes, such as coffee or tobacco. However, not all dental stains or darkenings are removable through teeth whitening and may require other types of cosmetic dental treatments such as the use of porcelain veneers or crowns.





At CS clinic we have first-rate materials and the latest most advanced orthodontic treatments. For our team, the most important thing is to give our patients a smile.




There is no age limit to receive orthodontic treatments,

as they are tailor-made for our patients

and each case is evaluated by our specialized professionals.


We have both conventional treatments such as metal orthodontics and

invisible orthodontics. Invisible orthodontic treatment is a technique

of personalized orthodontics, which consists of the placement of aligners

removable transparent, obtained from a patient mold.

Each aligner contains detailed information about movement

that must be done on each tooth until they are correctly placed. Popularly the term bracket refers to any of the types of fixed orthodontic appliances. Actually, a bracket is each one of the pieces held by a metal ring and that adhere to the front surface of the tooth.






At Clínica CS we have the best materials and the most advanced dental implant treatments, because for us the main thing is to ensure the oral health of our patients.


The prostheses that we place with our dental implants are a replica

of natural teeth, both in strength and appearance, and if they are cared for

they may well last indefinitely.

Since dental implants are placed under local anesthesia,

patients will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.


We use the most advanced techniques that allow us to place the prostheses at the same

time we place the implants. This way patients can go out with their

Complete dental implants the same day, without the need for additional interventions.


Fixed prosthesis.


At Clínica CS we always look for the best treatment option for our patients. We always like to offer various treatment alternatives adapted to each patient. In certain cases it is recommended to use a fixed prosthesis, using crowns or bridges.


Fixed prostheses are those that are supported by the natural teeth themselves. It is what is usually known as a dental bridge.


The fixed prosthesis is very comfortable and provides practically natural chewing, speech and aesthetics. In addition, it does not have to be removed for cleaning, but it does require greater care in daily dental hygiene and more frequent monitoring by the dentist, especially to monitor the possible recession of the gums.


Removable prosthesis.


Removable dentures are the most economical restorative dentistry treatment available, and the perfect alternative for patients who for medical reasons or a reduced budget cannot have implant dental treatment.

This price several times lower carries, as usual, some counterparts. The experience of a removable prosthesis is not the same as that of natural teeth: the patient does not regain all the strength of his bite and the acrylic crowns of this type of prosthesis are less aesthetic than crowns on implants.


Also, and despite the fact that they are attached to the teeth that are still preserved by means of metal "grips" and to the gums thanks to the adhesive products sold in pharmacies, removable prostheses do not fit perfectly in the patient's mouth.

These mismatch problems are especially common in older people with dry mouth or xerostomia problems, in scientific parlance. A poor grip also causes numerous sores and wounds on the gum of the typical patient, who due to his advanced age, usually already has problems with his gums.


In abstract, dental implantology is a better solution to help patients with missing teeth. However, the attractive price of removable dentures can tip the balance in favor, especially for patients with the tightest budgets. Removable dentures are effective treatments with a great value for money, and many patients use them comfortably and without problems.

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